Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud proiect national toud Romania

Intersectii culturale visual identity and website for the promotion of national identity

„Intersecții culturale” (Cultural intersections) is a project organized with the support of the Romanian Government that aims to promote national identity through cultural events and public policies.

The project aims to capitalize on a national level the cultural diversity and wealth, both from the urban and from the rural space, predominant in the three counties (Covasna, Harghita and Mureș) in terms of housing – the unaltered traditions, the built heritage (peasant houses) with specific architecture, natural heritage, the way of life of the inhabitants, traditional crafts.

The main objective of the project: The mapping of cultural resources and their exploitation in order to reach the public as easily as possible, on a national level.

Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud

The project

In this project, we worked in an extended team, which included the organizer of Arte Cultura Bucuresti, a team that went to the field to discover and immortalize the “treasures of the place”, including here the Curator of Art and Tradition Iulia Gorneanu.

Intersectii culturale project is more than about the unaltered traditions, the peasant houses preserved intact in time, or the specific architecture, it is about nature, the way of people’s lives, the crafts that they carry forward.

In this project, Toud created the visual identity and the website. Working in a team was essential. The field team made an essential contribution to the realization of the first sketches of the platform. Being connected with the people who would use this platform, understanding their behavior, their needs and expectations, they were able to provide a series of valuable information about them. This project also meant understanding the symbolism of non-verbal arts. Iulia Gorneanu’s involvement (it’s hard to say anything about Iulia in just a few words, that’s why we leave here for those who don’t know her a link to her portal), helped us enormously in this endeavor.

Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud

Visual identity

The logo takes elements from traditional symbols, reinterpreting them, bringing them into the present. See the Intersectii culturale style guide.

Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud
Intersectii culturale identitate vizuala si website pentru promovarea identitatii nationale toud


We have built a platform that focuses on articles, and on the content developed by the team in the field. Also, we paid more attention to the maps of the 3 counties, to clearly illustrate the connection between the place and the story. The site took over from the graphic elements marked in the style guide.

Intersectii culturale, web design, website, UX design, UI design, creare site web