Nike Grind o solutie sustenabila design de prezentare design PPT PPT design design prezentare TOUD

Nike Grind – a sustainable solution

Nike started a recycling campaign whose sole purpose is to collect used shoes and transform them into reusable materials. Their proposal is to use the materials resulting from recycling to make surfaces that absorb shocks, surfaces that are used for sports fields in schools, running tracks around stadiums, or even creating sports shoes. Their idea comes in response to the need to create a better world, to recycle to save the surrounding nature.

Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation

We, the Toud team, welcome Nike’s initiative as we ourselves are interested in sustainable development. We always try to do something for nature and leave our descendants a better world. Furthermore, we are always happy to get involved in any project related to sustainable development, environmental protection, and the development and protection of local cultures. That’s why we chose to respond to the call from Nike to take part in the Nike Grind project. So we developed a plan to promote and implement the Nike Grind system in Romania to improve the lives of those who run in parks.

Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation
Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation

There are many people who choose to do sports outdoors and who run in parks, but here they only find paved paths that are not exactly suitable for running because they are rigid and affect the ankles. For those who run several times a week, it would be ideal to do it on soft, flexible surfaces that reduce the shocks generated in the joints. However, in our country, there is a big problem with recycling. Romanians are not very inclined to recycle, and thus a lot of waste ends up in the garbage without having the chance to be transformed into something useful.

At Toud, we did an analysis of the running surfaces in Romania and proposed a complex solution through which the alleys in the parks become real running tracks. This transformation is based on Nike Grind solutions – practically recycled footwear. In order to be able to make our solution known to Nike, we chose the PowerPoint presentation as support. Through it, we had the opportunity to create slides with an effective and attractive design. The reason why we chose PowerPoint is related to the unlimited design possibilities and its versatility. Although many will say that PowerPoint is old-fashioned, there is more potential in this program than you think. With this program, you can create professional presentations that are attractive and that present information in a detailed way.

Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation

What we had in mind when we created the PowerPoint presentation

When we decided to use this tool, we thought foremost if it was a presentation in front of an audience or if it was sent via email, because in each of these cases, there are different aspects that must be taken into account. In a face-to-face presentation, the slides should only support the idea. Things change when it comes to an online presentation, where attention falls on the visual component and the information presented. The purpose of our presentation was to have an impact on the reader. He had to be convinced through the slides that the idea presented is essential, and for that, we considered some elements such as:


What we sought when we started the construction of the PowerPoint presentation was to keep a limited number of words. The text had to be concise. The most important thing was the message that had to be transmitted, so we tried to use white spaces or negative spaces. We kept the slides simple, without too many images or graphics.

Accent on the visual

When building a professional presentation, graphics and images are the ones that help a lot. We tried to insert, in addition to graphics, images of people. They help the reader connect on a personal level with the presentation.

A story

We put the information we wanted to present in the form of a story so that the reader can better understand the message. And here we kept things simple. The story does not have to be long and tedious, but it must touch all the key points.

Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation
Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation
Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation

Chromatic and visual identity  

We knew that the visual part of our presentation is very important in such a project, so we had to be very careful about the colors we used. We tried not to have too many or too strong colors in the slides. After all, the visual part is an important help.


Fonts are important, they have a double role – they facilitate the understanding of the message and contribute to the design, increasing the intensity of the impact on the reader. We chose a “clean”, simple font, which would highlight the content and balance the visual side.

Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation
Nike Grind by Toud, PowerPoint Presentation, design presentation, presentation design, how to build a presentation