Weekend elope

Piatra Craiului

Stop by from time to time and receive the gift - Piatra Craiului

We run every day after things that pass, after pleasures taken in small portions or, sometimes, in overdoses. More and more rarely we look at the simple things, at that joy that lasts, that you receive without being asked, without doing anything, just because you are. At Toud, we try to “escape” from time to time and fill our soul, our mind, our being, with the joy of small things, with the joy that lasts.

On the first weekend of November, we climbed Piatra Craiului again. It was beautiful, nature was generous, we didn’t deserve such wonderfulness. It is said that heaven is here on earth, today we not only lived it, but also saw it, we saw it with our own eyes.

Stop running and look around to receive what is yours, what can nourish the soul and the mind.