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Sorry, here is Bucharest

This is the press release of the Capital City Hall (2017-04-19). See the jury!
The prize will be 50.000 RON, the amount representing the exclusive divestiture of the copyright, unlimited in time and space, on any material basis and in any way, in favor of Bucharest, for the use of the work to be declared winning.
Besides the General Mayor, the jury also includes: Prof. Mircia Dumitrescu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, Arts, Architecture and Audiovisual Section; Adrian Majuru, director of the Buchrest Museum; Anca Boeriu, Lecturer at UNARTE Graphics department; Dr. Vladimir Nicula, Lecturer at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism; Ioana Ciocan, Vicepresident at the Union of Fine Artists; Dochița Zenoveiov, brand innovator, „INOVEO”; Bogdan Naumovici, managing partner „23 Communication Ideas”; Corina Vințan, „Links Associates” managing partner; Mirel Palada, sociologist.
The jury will review and point by the following criteria: relevance for the theme of the contest; attractiveness/ attractive design; originality (to combine elements that reflect the historical tradition of Bucharest with elements that take into account actual tendencies): functionality (visibility and legibility, to be easily recognizable, can be printed on small surfaces without losing essential details); adaptability (to allow the further declination of some sectorial brands like: cultural Bucharest, touristic Bucharest, musical Bucharest, sport Bucharest). The five criteria will have an equal weight in the evaluation of each work, the members of the jury assigning grades from 0 to 20 for each criterion.

To make mistakes is human, but to mock should not be normal and should not be accepted by the city of Bucharest and its inhabitants who pay taxes.

I sincerely regret this event that highlights once again our mediocrity in the sphere of communication and design. I regret to see in the jury a series of personalities of this guild.

I regret that the young people of today and tomorrow have fewer role models and good examples to follow in this country. Thank God that Romania isn’t all over the planet and that there is Internet.

I know that in this country there are, in the sphere of design, communication and branding, capable people, people who have studied, who are talented, who have passion and respect about their job, people who have time and most of all have COMMON SENSE. I believe in them. That is the reason why I totally disapprove this sad event of the Capital City Hall.

#rezist #BunSimt

Alexandru Grigorescu

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